Inwhich random travelers are encouraged to enter the circle, plug into the weirdnet, and get funky with our fearless hero.
Gretchen's Wretched Labnotes
Inwhich random travelers are encouraged to enter the circle, plug into the weirdnet, and get funky with our fearless hero.
Hatemail, loveletters, erotic poetry, fanfiction, indecent proposals, requests, and unabashed flattery may be sent to gretchwretched@protonmail.com
If you must send me pictures of your bodyparts, at least make it interesting. Also, I never open attachments, so there’s that..
Use this PGP Key for encrypted comms, but keep in mind that subject-lines and other meta-data cannot be encrypted.
Please note that I reserve the right to publish any and all hateful, threatening, or otherwise intolerant correspondence for the purposes of ridicule, public shaming, or entertainment.