Gretchen's Wretched Labnotes

Tips, Trix & Mischivioues Recipies for sonic Mayhem

Inwhich our hero whispers naughty suggestions in the dark..

Audio to Arturia Arp 2600 Trick for Reaper

Published Aug 22nd, 2021Posted by: Gretchen the Wretched

Hola Sweetlings!

Just thought I’d share a quick tip for routing any audio source through the Arturia Arp 2600 V3 plugin, much like you can with the original hardware synth.

Could be useful for goofy guitar effects ala Pete Townsend, for creating robot voices, spice up drumloops, or to make use of the rather unusual sequencer.

I have not messed around too much with this soft-synth, which is complicated as fuck, but its supposed to be a decent emulation of the auld Arp Instruments classic, though the price-tag is quite ridiculous for a soft synth. Still, if it found its way to your plugin folder somehow, this might be a fun way to kill 20 minutes.

. >>>Download the reaper track-remplate here<<<

Note that the plugin loaded is Arturia Arp 2600 V3, and you might have to replace it manually if you have an older or newer version.

And if you can’t load the track-template, or if you’re not a reaper user, here’s some pretty pictures and a quick description..

★Create two tracks, one regular audio track, and one virtual instrument track.

★In the IO/rout controls on the audio track, disable “master send”, make sure that parent channels is set to 1-4, and that track channel is set to 4.

★Send the signal to the ARP track, with channels 3/4 selected in the second box.

★Load Arturia ARP 2600 on the instrument track.

★Click the input/output dialogue in the fx window and make sure that you have 4 channels selected.

★In the IO/rout controls, double-check that everything is the same as the audio track, except that you should be receiving rather than sending, and the “send to master track” box should be ticked.

★Open the Synth Plug-in, drag a cable from the preamp output to the VC01 input in the VCF section, pull the level fader all the way up.


★Crank the Preamp, and you should now be able to hear anything coming from the audiotrack, “through the synth”.

That’s all for now.


Before you go, I would ask you for a wee favour, if I might be so bold — namely that you set aside your digital device and venture out into the real world and commit a random act of kindness or two. Be the change you want to see in the world, and all that jazz -- it’s the only way forward.



Posted in:
Tips & Trix

Thanx for stopping by.